I think my perfect audience would be females from ages 15 upwards, as rom coms are normaly really girly and are girls number one choice. I recon the females that would attend this would just be normal, not chavs however not snobbs either. However their might be a couple of men dragged in there by their girlfriend! When making the movie opening, we choose characters who fit this class, who were just average but young and cool looking, so the audience can relate to them, we did this by giving them fashionable but plain clothes, and giving them a normal look.
I went on http://www.findyourtribe.co.uk/ to find my audience type.
Your job might be a bit boring but it brings home the bacon and helps you save up for those two weeks away to Spain. Your weekends are set in stone – trip to the shops in town, buy yourself something nice, head to the All Bar One with friends, have a laff, maybe go for a club, as long as there’s none of the indie weirdo music.
i also got one of my friends who love rom com to fill in the same quiz to find what group she fits into.
You are a Rah! There’s nothing like a good gaffaw on the young society scene for one’s weekend. Head up to Henley in the 4 x 4 with a bunch of mates from Bristol. It’s all about having fun right now, but you’ll ask Daddy to put the feelers out for that job in the city on Monday. There’s plenty of time when one is young, no?
After looking on Find Your Tribe we worked out that the audience our quite sociable people and up for fun, so we wanted are actors to show these qualities, we also made sure the characters in the movie are interesting, up for fun and not boring.
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